Best Berkeley Oakland Private Dog Training Classes Nose Work Classes

Scent Work Classes

Scent Work classes and privates offered in Oakland, Berkeley, and Albany

Scent Work classes

Join our Scent Work classes!

Get your dog started on this amazing sport called Scent Work (or nose work)! Your dog will learn to find specific scents in fun places as you work together as a true detective team! It is great for all kinds of dogs: shy, energetic, couch potatoes, senior dogs, puppies, all are welcome, and no previous experience necessary! 

HOW THE GAME WORKS: we place the scent of a specific essential oil inside a small container that we hide for your dog to find! We start easy with just a row of cardboard boxes to search, and then we move on to more challenging locations (inside a suitcase, under a bench, etc). Your dog will search for the hidden scent and indicate to you when they found it, just like the detection dogs in the airport searching bags!

The game builds confidence for shy dogs, it creates a fun mental stimulation and enrichment for your puppies and seniors, and tires your active dog. Unleash your dog's olfactory super powers!

Is your dog reactive to other dogs? Contact me prior to signing up to see if your dog qualifies for this class. Dogs work one at a time so there is a chance your dog can do it! 

Classes are held in a park in Albany (near Albany Bulb).

We also offer privates for dogs that are already started on odor (birch, anise, and clove).



1) My dog doesn't know any tricks, not even a sit. Can he still do it?

Absolutely! Scent work or nose work is an activity that uses the dog's instincts. Your dog already knows how to to hunt, now we are just going to add a few more pieces and ask them to search for what we want and increase complexity. We work on very easy searches to start with and we make sure that all dogs leave the class loving this game. We want to make them and you successful! 

2) How does the class run? 

The intro class is held in a quiet outdoor location. It starts with us chatting for a bit and going over what is the plan of the day. After that each team will go get their dog in their car and run their turn. We talk about how the search was, about the dog's body language, and your own handling of your dog. After they run, they go back to their car/crate before another dog gets out. There are a maximum of 6 teams of handlers and dogs per class. Each dog will have plenty of time to rest in between searches since this is a demanding work for them. 

3) How do I maintain my car cool in between searches? 

Keeping the dog comfortable and cool in between searches is your responsibility. In most days you wont need anything, but for hot days you might want to consider the following: battery operated fan, heatshield sunshades for your windows, aluminet shade cloth, and water. If you don't have any of those you can borrow some gear from me or you might want to consider staying in the car with the AC on while the other dogs are searching if weather is too hot. That's ok! We want everybody safe and having fun. 

Can't find a date that works? Contact me here: